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Please review our policies carefully. 

By making a purchase, you are confirming your agreement to them. 



  •  All payments must be made via the website, PayPal, or the payment link sent. 


  • Full payment is required to initiate any service. For orders exceeding £200, a 50% deposit can be considered upon request. 


  • ALL Print service orders must also be paid in full in advance. 


  • All payments, including deposits, are non-refundable. The only circumstance in which TONSTUDIOSGRAPHICS may issue a refund is if a project is cancelled due to personal circumstances. 


  • The remaining balances must be settled before the final files can be delivered. Failure to submit the balance will result in project withholding until payment is received. 


Cancellations & Refunds


  • Under no circumstances except those listed below are refunds issued; all projects are non-refundable. 


  • Should you wish to cancel a project for any reason, please promptly contact TONSTUDIOSGRAPHICS. It is important to note that project termination does not qualify for a refund. However, if you wish to reschedule or change services, the deposit/Payment may be considered for reuse at the discretion of  TONSTUDIOGRAPHICS. 


  • In cases where a client proves challenging to work with, exhibits unpreparedness with input and necessary resources, or engages in rude or abusive behaviour, TONSTUDIOGRAPHICS reserves the right to terminate ongoing projects. In such instances, a partial refund of up to 50% might be granted, subject to evaluation based on project timeframes and deliverables. 


  • If project initiation documents (e.g., contracts, questionnaires, etc.) have been provided, but the client remains unresponsive for 7 days, the project will be cancelled, and a 50% refund will be processed due to a lack of communication. 


  • Client satisfaction is our top priority at TONSTUDIOGRAPHICS. If a client is dissatisfied with the project outcome, their concerns are carefully considered, and we are committed to making every effort to ensure their complete satisfaction.  


  • To address any concerns, it is imperative that the client voices their issues before the final design is completed. Bringing up concerns after the final designs have been sent will incur additional charges. 


  • Should you have any questions or need clarification about your project, please reach out. Your feedback and inquiries are welcomed and valued. 


Turnaround Times 


  • The turnaround time for a project commences once we have confirmed the full completion of the client form/questionnaire along with the provision of relevant resources. It is not based on the exact day of booking. Once the requirements are fully submitted, TONSTUDIOGRAPHICS will either establish a checkpoint date or provide your designated position within the client queue. 


  • Turnaround times vary by service and may change as TONSTUDIOGRAPHICS expands. 


  • Please note that each project's estimated time frame is unique, and work is conducted on business days and hours

  • We do try our best to get every project done with a fast turnaround time but again this is dependant on the service.



We will send the cards ordered by you to the address you gave us at the time of your order.

Please make sure your address is correct, as we will not be held responsible for your mistake. Your order for delivery will be made as soon as you approve the template of your card. After they have been shipped to you, they will be kept at your own risk and will not be responsible for their failure or destruction.

At this time Shipping is only available in the United Kingdom



Client Communication: 


  • If the client's response is delayed, it may result in a corresponding delay in their project. Should the client go 2-3 days without responding, their project(s) will experience a delay, cancellation or refunds will not be available during this period. Please note that this delay is non-negotiable. 


  • During the creative process, we appreciate your understanding and kindly ask clients not to send multiple messages or request drafts ahead of their scheduled delivery. Your cooperation in following this workflow process is highly valued. Efficient communication and collaboration can significantly shorten turnaround times and contribute to a successful project outcome. 


  •  We communicate by email mainly. We do not accept telephone consultations. Please give 24-48 business hours to respond to your enquiry and we will do our best to respond within those hours.  


Portrait Illustration 

  • Please provide us with a high-resolution, unfiltered headshot selfie of yourself. This will greatly contribute to achieving a positive outcome.  


Drafts Ownership 

  • Please note that any rough draft images provided for approval are strictly for that purpose only. It is prohibited to reproduce, exploit or distribute these images to any individual or organisation without explicit approval from TONSTUDIOGRAPHICS. Additionally, all draft design projects are the sole property of TONSTUDIOGRAPHICS. 




  • Respond to each prompt according to the questions; do not leave the design concept up to TONSTUDIOGRAPHICS. 


  • Clients will be required to make a Mood board with pictures of fonts, sketches, illustrations etc (anything that can help understand the client's creative vision). 


  • This will be used to derive ideas they would like to use for their design.  


  • Clients must provide a clear idea for the project; there are no freestyle options for services. TONSTUDIOGRAPHICS will recommend based on your vision; however, designs cannot be completed without instructions. Taking the time to fill out the form should assist you in forming your concept. 


  • After form completion, expect a response within 1-5 business days to discuss the project plan. 


  • Once the plan is confirmed, no further suggestions or ideas will be accepted; kindly adhere to this policy. 





  • Clients are entitled to 3 free revisions, encompassing changes in colour, font, placement, and similar minor adjustments. Beyond these initial revisions, a fee of £10 per revision will be applicable. 


  • Please note that there is a distinction between revisions and redesigns. Revisions involve minor alterations such as colour, font, or wording, while redesigns encompass more significant changes like concept, layout, or 3D textures. Redesigns incur an additional fee of £25 per design. 


  • If TONSTUDIOGRAPHICS has already delivered the final designs, and the client requests a new or significantly different design concept, the cost for such a request will be determined based on the extent of the similarities to the original design. This process is in place to prevent excessive redesign claims and ensures fair compensation for the provider - this creates a brand-new project, which means a brand-new payment. 






  • Clients will receive file formats such as .jpg, .png, .pdf, and .svg based on their requested services. 


  • AI & PSD files will not be provided to clients; a £50 charge per file applies. 


  • Design files are disposed of after 7 days, so it's crucial to mention any changes or necessary information beforehand. 


  • TONSTUDIOGRAPHICS UK does not take responsibility once final designs are sent. Transfer links expire after a certain period, so it's recommended to save files promptly. 


  • Fonts/color codes information are provided within brand suites/packs is not accessible for single project designs, an additional £5 charge is needed for the design information sheet to be provided. 


  • Clients must specify if the design will be used for personal/commercial use to relay the correct information for purchasing licenses. TONSTUDIOGRAPHICS UK does not bear responsibility for legal issues. 


  • While design inspiration is appreciated, TONSTUDIOGRAPHICS UK will not create identical designs from other designers/projects. Projects are generated based on client requests, and specific details, photographs and materials necessary for construction are provided within the agreed timeframe. TON Studio does not copy or duplicate any designs. 




  • Drafts will be watermarked by TONSTUDIOGRAPHICS UK until client approval is granted for the final design. 


  • TONSTUDIOGRAPHICS UK reserves the right to post any content created unless the client has requested otherwise; a contract will be sent to the client for signing. 


 Pre-made logos  

  • 1. All premade designs are not one-of-a-kind and are subject to resale. For custom, bespoke designs and branding.

  • 2. This item is for your personal use only and cannot be re-distributed. 

  • 3. This is a digital product - no physical or printed copy will be sent to you. All files will be sent via email. 

  • 4. There are NO refunds or exchanges once you purchase this item. All sales are final due to the digital nature of this product.


Photography Bookings 


  • The polite reminder is the client's responsibility to secure a location/photography studio/content studio. 


  • All bookings are automatically valid in London and include a £25 travel fee.

  • Any out-of-London/international bookings are welcomed, just note a fee or travel/accommodation will need to be covered. 


  • Photography booking outcomes very upon the package booked, please make sure you secure all relevant add ons for your satisfaction. 


  • Under no circumstances will raw images be sent to the client, nor all the pictures taken from the day, imagery is carefully selected and then sent to the client. 



  •  Please ensure that you agree to comply with the terms and conditions and agree to them before you place your order. If these measures have not been taken, sadly we will not be able to continue with your project. 




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